Monday, March 3, 2014

When He Loves You First: A Blog about true Love

Have you ever loved someone so much that you had to forgive that person for wronging you?
I am sure some of you have.
I have too.
I have had a person say that he loves me and yet mistreat me. I know how painful it can be to have the person you love hurt you the most.
Now put yourself as that person who instead of loving is doing wrong for selfish interests.
I wonder how much we as individuals love God with sayings and mistreat Him with our actions.

Two days ago, I felt so weak and needed love. The enemy always tries to imitate love, but he can never create it. I came to realize that I needed God.
The Bible says that God is love and love surpasses all things.
When I asked God why so many people know and feel His power, but yet walk a life that is deadly, He showed His power to me by healing me in the painful times of my body and asked me the same question.

It hit me.
Although I failed him constantly, His grace does abound in the most inner places of my heart. He never ceases to amaze me, and in this I ask: Who is this Jesus who chose to die for a sinner like me?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Beautiful Ending in God: A post about doubt and anxiety

 I am trying to remember the little things.
The moments that lasted for seconds, but impacted me for life.

The picture above was taken after a youth event with one of my best friends. We thought the sky looked pretty and we wanted a memory captured.

It worked, because after three years, I can look at this moment and feel hope in moments of insecurity.

These are the top questions that came to my mind when I thought of people who are going through the same or similar situation as me:
  • Should I continue doing what I have been doing?                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sometimes you wonder if you are in the right path. Sometimes you do not see the big purpose for what you are doing, and that is completely okay!  I assure you that when you were called by God and responded with a "yes," the worries that you fill inside are not going to stop you from all that you were created to do!                                                                                                        If you know that you have been in God's Hands and Plans all this time, do not stop - do not give up - do not fear - because God says: I am with you.                                                                                                                                                        
    What if it seems to much for me to handle?                                                                                                                                      God says to cast out your burden to Him because He will sustain you and not make you fail! I know that as humans we try to take control of our lives, and grow weary at times. We often loose track that God placed us in a specific place to go beyond what we could have ever imagined! There is nothing that God cannot handle, so cast out all of your worries and begin to recognize who our God is. 

    • So... now what?                                                                                                                     I want to end this session by sharing with you a video that I watched once in my youth group. I hope that it blesses you as it blessed me.